May your ka live! I am Takhaet Mentuhotep, the mayor of Abydos, and I greet you. Our city is just being built. Come see what we have made!

Our illustrious past (predynastic to 2nd dynasty)

Weather forecast for Abydos

Nile report

Our recent past (3rd dynasty - 6th dynasty)

Market days

Best bakery

Nearby cities


Pilgrimage sites

Vital statistics
Take our guided tour!

Our people are friendly, so feel free to talk with them in their nice mud brick homes. Some have built courtyards in front of their houses.

Hot and dry.
Forecast for the next few days:

Note: F=Fahrenheit, C=Celsius (What are these terms? They do not sound Egyptian).

High: 86 degrees F/ 30 degrees C
Low: 59 degrees F/ 15 degrees C

High: 84 degrees F/ 20 degrees C
Low: 59 degrees F/ 15 degrees C

High: 84 degrees F/ 29 degrees C
Low: 55 degrees F/ 13 degrees C

High: 86 degrees F/ 30 degrees C
Low: 54 degrees F/ 12 degrees C

High: 86 degrees F/ 30 degrees C
Low: 55 degrees F/ 13 degrees C

High: 84 degrees F/ 29 degrees C
Low: 55 degrees F/ 13 degrees C

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It has been a good inundation this year! All towns and cities report that the lifegiving Nile has flooded the most important fields but did not destroy any towns. The flooding is now receding, leaving our land with new fertile deposits. Soon the land will be ready for planting.

(I predict that in the future, people will say the flood reaches the southernmost part of our country, south of Elephantine, in a month called late June. The flood reaches the Delta region late in a month they will call September. The inundation will be at the lowest ebb in a month called April.

Source: Rosalie David. (1998). Handbook to Life in Ancient Egypt. New York: Facts on File).

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Market days. We have our big market twice every ten days.

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Pilgrimage sites. Come see where our revered ancestors are buried!

We are honored that you have come on pilgrimage to our town. Please stop awhile at each of the tombs or cenotaphs (monument for someone whose body is elsewhere). We are proud of those ancestors who chose to have monuments in Abydos. They include Khasekhemwy, Qaa, Semerkhet, Den, Merneith, Anedjib, Peribsen, Djer, and Aha.

Source: Manley, Bill. (1996). The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Egypt. New York: Penguin Books.

Name: Kemet, the Black Land.

Principal crops: Barley, emmer (wheat), flax, fruit trees like date palms and fig trees.

Natural resources: Gold, limestone, granite.

Average life span: 30 years (this is a general figure and is not specific to the Old Kingdom).

Head of state: King/ pharaoh.

Percentage of the population that are peasants: possibly 80 percent.

Education: Only those men who plan to become scribes or priests, of course.


David, Rosalie. 1998. Handbook to Life in Ancient Egypt. New York: Facts on File, Inc.

1991. The Encyclopedia Americana, International Edition. Vol. 10 Egypt to Falsetto. "Egypt, Ancient." Danbury, CT: Grolier Inc.

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